Friday, January 2, 2009

ooops , i'm not getting a pulse

Dear friends ,
my camera died , memorial services will be held in our lady of the lens church on shutter ave , between fstop and depth of field streets .My very own samsung nv10 passed away last week , i didn't want to ruin any one's holiday . you 'll be happy to know that she passed away peacefully in her charger . "my cam" as i used to call her took 7106 pics this past year , not to mention the ones i deleted in a misguided effort to " keep only the good ones" . Dear friends , you 've all been very kind ,visiting , gazing , and sometimes commenting , it's been lovely and wherever " mycam" soul may be right now , i'm sure she's right with each and every one of us recording forever the warmth of our friendship .
xo , tarek


Jack Daniel said...

I'm sorry to hear about your cam!

happy new year

tarek aylouch said...

thank you jack daniel , i may try to send it to samsung to fix . HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AS WELL .